Projekt - Lord Of fLies - The Animatic
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Puppet / set / props
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Storyboard
The storyboard for the bathroomscene is complete. Together with Director Hanna Sköld and Photographer Andrea Kåberg
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Puppet sculpting
A testsculpting of a puppet on the first armature I made
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Setdesign Bathroom. part3
Now I put the finished walls together. The mirror is painted and put into place.
And on the backwall. Here is an image after it´s painted
I do the same on the white tilewall
The finished result. Now I just have to add some paint to make it blen in more into the floor.
With tape I seal of the stones to make the filling in between them
I have started making the filling between the tiles of the floor
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Puppet armature 2
I use Milliput to strengthen the glued bodyparts.
And the finished metal armature is standing.
Here is the glued screws to the feet.
I twist some aluminium wire for the bendable parts of the armature.
I cut into the litte parts made fot the feet. So I can glue screws in place to make tiedowns.
All the parts I need for the armature
Im starting with the second armature by cutting of the brass pipes
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Setdesign Bathroom. part2
Now I will attach the mirror to the wall. Mirror mirror on the wall...
The completed mirror
The White tilewall is almost ready. And a sizetest for the mirror is hung up on the wall.
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Setdesign Bathroom
Now I begin with the side wall. Its suppose to be white ordinary tile instead of stone. This time I used a dremel between the tiles to make a more perfect line.
Several hours later. This is the finished result.
Then I painted the back wall the same way. But in yellow and brown tones.
When I was satisfied I used oil to make the finished look
With pigment, beer and a sponge i started to paint
Ready to start painting the floor. I masked of the tiles before I started.
Heres is the result
Took several hours to complete
When the wall was completed I started with the smaller floor tiles
It takes a long time ;)
Then I began to sculpt the tiles on the back wall with airdrying clay
I painted it to look like the tiles in the real bathroom, to see if I´m on the right track.
I sculpted a testtile in airdrying clay
I used a woodburning tool to create the depth between the tiles
Then I calculated and drew the floortiles
First I calculated how big the tiles should be in scale. This will be the back wall
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Puppet armature
With epoxy plastic I create an hard firm body
I glue aluminiumwire into the brass tubes to form an armature with bendable joints
First I make a draft of the body on a printed image of the actor that I will make into a puppet. I cut brass tubes for all parts that´s not suppose to bend
Projekt - Tantlängtan - First scene
I will start to work with one of the main scenes. Then We will use the result to hunt more funding. So it better look good :)
The first scene takes place in the male charachters bathroom. Where he will transform into what he really want to be, in front of his bathroom mirror.
Projekt - Tantlängtan
My new big animationsproject is Tangram Films new short Tantlängtan.
Director; Hanna Sköld
Photo; Andrea Kåberg
Animator; Daniel Svensson
The short is a mix between live acting and puppet animations
My role is to create an alternative fantasyworld within the real actors minds