Projekt - Tantlängtan - Husfasad del2
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Tunnel del 2
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Vardagsrum del 2
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Husfasad
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Gångtunnel
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Edwards vardagsrum
Mäter, ritar och räknar skalor
Använder Edward som måttenhet för att se så skalan känns rätt ;)
Alla delar är nu färdigsågade
Dags att stänka färg
Vardagsrumsgolvet efter några omgångar med penseln
Väggarna likaså
Första väggen på plats, tapeten som ska förminskas ner i skala ligger och väntar
Börjar skissa upp dörrväggen
Pelaren är tillsågad
Dörröppningen tillsågad och resten av väggen färdigbyggd
Fönsterväggen tillsågad
Dags att påbörja tegeltillverkning
Mitt i allt gick min dremmel sönder och jag fick ta till träbrännarpennan för att göra klart teglet
Me in action
Tegelväggen klar att grundmålas
Partiet ovanför dörren spacklat
Grundmålat tegel och väggpelare
Vägg på plats ;)
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Animation in progress
The shooting of the live action part of the short was completed this week. Now Im planning and building the rest of the animation sets.
Here I am animating the pilot.
The armature for the old lady in progress
Projekt - Tantlängtan - The Pilot
The finished pilot
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Puppet / set / props
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Storyboard
The storyboard for the bathroomscene is complete. Together with Director Hanna Sköld and Photographer Andrea Kåberg
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Puppet sculpting
A testsculpting of a puppet on the first armature I made
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Setdesign Bathroom. part3
Now I put the finished walls together. The mirror is painted and put into place.
And on the backwall. Here is an image after it´s painted
I do the same on the white tilewall
The finished result. Now I just have to add some paint to make it blen in more into the floor.
With tape I seal of the stones to make the filling in between them
I have started making the filling between the tiles of the floor
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Puppet armature 2
I use Milliput to strengthen the glued bodyparts.
And the finished metal armature is standing.
Here is the glued screws to the feet.
I twist some aluminium wire for the bendable parts of the armature.
I cut into the litte parts made fot the feet. So I can glue screws in place to make tiedowns.
All the parts I need for the armature
Im starting with the second armature by cutting of the brass pipes
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Setdesign Bathroom. part2
Now I will attach the mirror to the wall. Mirror mirror on the wall...
The completed mirror
The White tilewall is almost ready. And a sizetest for the mirror is hung up on the wall.
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Setdesign Bathroom
Now I begin with the side wall. Its suppose to be white ordinary tile instead of stone. This time I used a dremel between the tiles to make a more perfect line.
Several hours later. This is the finished result.
Then I painted the back wall the same way. But in yellow and brown tones.
When I was satisfied I used oil to make the finished look
With pigment, beer and a sponge i started to paint
Ready to start painting the floor. I masked of the tiles before I started.
Heres is the result
Took several hours to complete
When the wall was completed I started with the smaller floor tiles
It takes a long time ;)
Then I began to sculpt the tiles on the back wall with airdrying clay
I painted it to look like the tiles in the real bathroom, to see if I´m on the right track.
I sculpted a testtile in airdrying clay
I used a woodburning tool to create the depth between the tiles
Then I calculated and drew the floortiles
First I calculated how big the tiles should be in scale. This will be the back wall
Projekt - Tantlängtan - Puppet armature
With epoxy plastic I create an hard firm body
I glue aluminiumwire into the brass tubes to form an armature with bendable joints
First I make a draft of the body on a printed image of the actor that I will make into a puppet. I cut brass tubes for all parts that´s not suppose to bend
Projekt - Tantlängtan - First scene
I will start to work with one of the main scenes. Then We will use the result to hunt more funding. So it better look good :)
The first scene takes place in the male charachters bathroom. Where he will transform into what he really want to be, in front of his bathroom mirror.
Projekt - Tantlängtan
My new big animationsproject is Tangram Films new short Tantlängtan.
Director; Hanna Sköld
Photo; Andrea Kåberg
Animator; Daniel Svensson
The short is a mix between live acting and puppet animations
My role is to create an alternative fantasyworld within the real actors minds